

independent, private, highly selective multimuse blog featuring characters from different fandoms like example, example, example.
explored by alias. pronoun / pronoun. age. timezone. ©

.  RULE ONE  .  Hi! Thanks for reading all these rules. 😊
I track the tags #dragxnsfire and #roquenxnar
Mutuals preferred, but not required
If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to send me a message.
Please don’t godmod.
Please refrain from killing/seriously injuring my characters unless we’ve talked about it. (The one exception is in the instance of a meme)
Mun and muse are 21+, but I would rather not be involved in smut at all.
Please ask me about shipping before writing it.
I try to be as active as possible, but please understand if it takes a few days to respond/ write a starter.
Hate speech, bullying, etc. will not be tolerated by this blog. Any blog that engages in such actions will be blocked.
Active times will generally be in the evenings, but I may be able to do things during other times of the day, depending on my work load
Time Zone: Central Standard Time (GMT-6)
I will tag common triggers appropriately, though I would consider most of my threads sfw.
I’m not too picky about grammar, spelling, etc. I make plenty of typos myself and don’t expect perfection. This is supposed to be fun, not a class assignment.
I also don’t care too much about length. For a general rule, I try to have a minimum reply length of 100 words or so, and try to make starters about 200 words. The only thing I ask is please, please don’t use one-line or one-sentence replies in threads.
I only wish to RP within the Elder Scrolls universe.
Starting March 2019, I will not be interacting with blogs of muns who are not yet 18. Please understand, this is nothing against you or your writing, and I look forward to our characters interacting when they can!
Finally, if you wish to RP with me, I ask that you have a rules page and character bio page, preferably as a separate page from the rest of your posts (or within easy navigation).
The Elder Scrolls Multimuse
.  Main Blog  .
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muse list

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⭑ Baldur's Gate || D&D ⭑
Born in Menzoberranzan 680 years before the events of Baldur's Gate III, Belthan served as bodygard and consort to Myra'alyk, matron mother of his House. Though never fanatical in his beliefs, he served dutifully to protect his daughter, and her children after her. Following the sacrifice of his youngest granddaughter to Llolth at the behest of their temple, Belthan turned away from the Mother of Spiders, and his House; he escaped to the surface with his great-granddaghter, Haleth, and soon found his way to Baldur's Gate. He now serves as a Paladin to Eilistraee.

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⭑ Tolkien ⭑
Hailing from Tirion, Myndilon served as a knight in service to the sons of Fëanor both in Valinor and in Middle -Earth where, after the fall of Maedhros, he redirected his services to protect those traveling the roads between Rivendell and Mirkwood. Recently held prisoner by Sauron's forces, he has since escaped, and has found a home with his descendants in Rivendell.
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⭑ Dragon Age⭑
Serving as a Sentinel of Mythal, Myndilon has spent much of his many years since the fall of his people in solitude, keeping watch over his sleeping brothers and sisters at the Temple of Mythal in the Arbor Wilds. After Corypheus's invasion of the temple, and with the destruction of the Well of Sorrows, Myndilon offered his services to the Inquisition, in hopes that their work would still help him honor Mythal, and his oath to protect.
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⭑ Baldur's Gate || D&D ⭑
A cleric of Corellon, Myndilon has served his god and people for centuries in the wilds and in cities, aiding and defending the downtrodden. Though his memory has begun to fail, he takes his duties to his god very seriously, and occasionally travels in persuit of his god's work.

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⭑ Baldur's Gate || D&D ⭑Born the granddaughter of a moderately-powerful Matron Mother and her bodyguard, every lesson the young drow learned was meant to prepare him to follow in his grandmother's footsteps, and serve as the matron for their shared House; however, shortly after his seventeenth birthday, the young elf realized he was not, in fact, a woman. Though his grandfather supported his transition, his grandmother did not. Seldus was quickly exiled to the surface, taking up the life of a wandering bard to support himself— and find his place in the wider world.Now reunited with his grandfather on the surface, he sends whatever gold he earns to Belthan, to help the old drow raise his niece, Haleth.

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⭑ Tolkien ⭑
One of the few elves born in the latter part of the Third Age, Urnarseldo lived a charmed early life— though the loss of his parents shook his confidence, and sowed a seed of doubt in his mind—that his family could protect him, that th gods cared for their little family, that he was capable of defending his home and loved ones. He wandered for some time after a falling out with his grandfather, only returning to Rivendell after news of Smaug's defeat. Though he still longed to have a story worth telling, Urnarseldo reconciled with his grandfather, and returned to Rivendell more often to visit, staying for months at a time, and continuing his lessons in healing— though he always kept his daggers close, just in case.
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⭑ Dragon Age⭑
One of a very few survivors of his clan, Urnarseldo is a wandering mage in Fereldan, moving from camp to camp with his little sister, Amaneniel, and accepting whatever jobs he can find— even if they involve a bit of cloak-and-dagger. When word reaches him of the Inquisition, he is skeptical— though the young elf joins in spite of his better sense warning him away; the organization does, after all, provide their members with food, clothing, and shelter.
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⭑ Baldur's Gate⭑
Raised on the outskirts of Baldur's Gate by his great-great grandfather, Myndilon, Urnarseldo is a self-taught wizard, cobbling together spells from his grandfather's dusty, long-forgotten library, and whatever scrolls he can charm off wealthy patrons at Sharess's Caress. Urnarseldo longs for adventure, and to see the wider world— a wish the Nautaloid attack on the city grants in the worst way possible.

Seldus, Underdark Exile

NAMESeldus, of House S'rrndys
AGEVerse-dependant; 125 as of 1492 DR
BIRTHDAY27 Flamerule 1367 DR
SPECIESDrow (born Lolth-sworn, recently abandoned Lolth and Menzoberranzan)
CLASSCollege of Swords Bard
FAITHVenerates Eilistraee, though isn't particularly religious
GENDERTrans Male, afab
BACKGROUNDUnderdark Exile, Performer
ALIGNMENTNeutral Good, leaning toward Lawful
MBTIESFJ "the Performer"
Mental IllnessesNone of note
WEIGHT145 lbs
EYESBright crimson, a holdover of his Lolth-sworn origins
HAIRRed; Smooth and straight in texture, styled in a long mohawk
BODY TYPELithe, thin
SCARS AND MARKINGSHas darker violet freckles all over, mostly concentrated around his nose and cheeks; has a scar across his nose from running into a tree on the first day of his life on the surface.

Simple weapons
Hand crossbows
Light Crossbows
Short swords
Deep Drow (Primary)
High Drow (Primary)
Drow Sign Language (Primary)
|| Has Darkvision, and does not sleep, as with other elves and drow.
|| He has advantage to saving throws against poison damage, as he has been building tolerance to it for several years, a tradition peculiar to drow raised in Menzoberranzan; his tolerance is not as great as his grandfather, who has been building tolerance to it for centuries.

Belthan, of House S'rrndys

Background || Stat Block

NAMEBelthan, House S'rrndys
NICKNAMESBel (only those closest); “Ada” (his grandchildren)
AGEVerse-dependant; 680 as of 1492 DR
BIRTHDAY30 Hammer 811 DR
SPECIESDrow (born Lolth-sworn, recently abandoned Lolth and Menzoberranzan)
CLASSOath of Devotion Paladin
FAITHServes Eilistraee as a Silverhair Knight
GENDERMale, amab
BACKGROUNDUnderdark Exile
STR 18DEX 6 (-2)CON 8 (-1)INT 15WIS 16CHA 18


ALIGNMENTNeutral Good, leaning toward Lawful
MBTIISFJ, “the Defender
Mental IllnessesPTSD, Depression, Fear
HEIGHT5’ 10”
WEIGHT160 lbs
EYESBright crimson, a holdover of his Lolth-sworn origins
HAIRUndercut, medium-length. As he’s gotten older, it’s become thinner, and has turned from a pale red to white.
BODY TYPEThin, with little remaining muscularity of his youth.
SCARS AND MARKINGSHas darker violet freckles all over, mostly concentrated around his nose and cheeks; has a myriad of lash scars on his back, and scars across his face and neck from two separate failed assassination attempts.

Great weapons
Martial Picks
Heavy Armor
Medium Armor
Common (Spoken only, cannot read it)
Deep Drow (Primary)
High Drow (Primary)
Drow Sign Language (Primary)
|| Due to his great age, he suffers a -2 penalty to dexterity and constitution each; his arthritis prevents him from utilizing fine motor tools (such as lockpicks) often and without pain— he leaves that sort of work to his companions. He has disadvantage against constitution and dexterity saving throws.
|| He is resistant to poison damage, as he has been building tolerance to it for centuries, a tradition peculiar to drow raised in Menzoberranzan.

◈ He was born to a semi-noble family in House S'rrndys in 811DR. Before leaving for the surface, he was the oldest male in his House, having served his matron, Myra'alyk, for six hundred and fifty years, give or take a few.
◈ As his matron's favored consort, he served as her right hand during his many years with her; his duties ranged from serving as her personal assassin and leader of her guard, to having children with her.
◈ He is gay, and would have never chosen to sleep with Myra'alyk; naturally, he had little choice in the matter; though his sexuality was an open secret among his House, his matron desired him in their youth. As they aged, their relationship changed from one of one-sided lust to a desire to control. To Myra'alyk, Belthan was little better than a pet.
◈ Belthan is not Myra'alyk most prolific consort, having fathered only two of her ten children— her two eldest. Both have passed, their daughter in battle, and their son as a sacrifice to Lolth; but both had children and grandchildren.
◈ He always had a strange fascination with the surface world— or, as close to such as someone loyal to his House and to Lolth would allow. He frequently lead raids to the surface, and was careful to observe everything; what began as strategic interest became curiosity, then questioning what he had learned in his youth. He passed this curiosity along to his granddaughter, Tabiah— Haleth's mother— and Seldus.
◈ Unusual for Lolth-sworn Drow, Belthan adored his children and (not that he would claim to have favorites) his grandchildren even more. He was as involved as they wished him to be; and Seldus and Tabiah loved him in return. It was seen as terribly odd, though his position and skill in combat generally deterred others from taking action against Seldus and Tabiah.
◈ Though he swore himself to Lolth and his House early, he never truly believed in their evil ways; he served out of self-preservation, and after the birth of his children, to protect them. To escape Menzoberranzan was, after recovering from the shock of it, a relief. He was, to the priests of Eilistraee who first stumbled upon him, an astoundingly easy convert.
◈ Belthan had many reasons to leave the Underdark: his age was beginning to catch up with him, leaving him vulnerable to attack from both within his House, and from the outside; to Myra, he was beginning to outlive his utility to the House. His granddaughter, Tabiah, also wished to leave for the surface, after hearing her grandfather speak of how the "day-walkers" lived free of fear, and without knives constantly at their backs; he would have surely been killed, if her "betrayal" had been linked to him.

Myndilon, Lost Knight

BG3 Verse || D&D Verse

AGEVerse-dependant: 745 as of 1492 DR
BIRTHDAY5 Marpenoth 746 DR
SPECIESAr-tel-quessir (Sun Elf)
CLASSOath of the Ancients Paladin
FAITHVenerates Corellon Larethian and Vandria Gilmadrith, he serves as a knight-paladin for the Seldarine
BACKGROUNDNoble, Acolyte
ALIGNMENTNeutral Good, leaning toward Lawful
MBTIESFJ "the Consul"
Mental IllnessesBeginning to lose his memories
WEIGHT190 lbs
HAIRSilver, worn long and loose.
BODY TYPELithe, thin, bony
SCARS AND MARKINGSHas a few scars from his time as a cleric of war and soldier;
STR 18DEX 6 (-2)CON 8 (-1)INT 17WIS 12CHA 20

Heavy Armor
Medium Armor
Light Armor
|| Due to his great age, he suffers a -2 penalty to dexterity and constitution each; his arthritis prevents him from utilizing fine motor tools (such as lockpicks) often and without pain— he leaves that sort of work to his companions. He has disadvantage against constitution and dexterity saving throws.
|| Because of his mental state, Myndilon's nightly meditation is often fitful, light, and easily interrupted. Unlike other healthy elves, he occasionally enters true sleep— often unconsciously.